Howard Ruff founded “The Ruff Times Newsletter,” the largest financial newsletter of its time. Published for 34 years, over the years the newsletter was read by over 600,000 subscribers. 

While “The Ruff Times” offered specific stock and investment recommendations, more often than not, readers also received advice on what not to buy. General guidance on market trends was also offered as well as information on mining stocks and precious metals.
The newsletter also carried political commentary on issues of the day, general financial education pieces, “Rufflite” jokes, and a “Have We Gone Mad” section.
Below are samples of some educational pieces from several different issues of The Ruff Times:

Click on the sample audio tracks below to hear Howard reading his newsletters (more will be available to download soon):

The Ruff Times: Sep 13, 2006
The Ruff Times: Jan 30, 2009